Ushio and Tora (2015)

8.3 / 10
25 min
Fantasy, Avontuur, Animatie
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 31

To the Sea of Chaos

After being tricked by Hakumen no Mono, the JASDF prepare to send subs to destroy the stone pillar where Ushio's mother is, as she keeps Hakumen sealed. Ushio heads to Okinawa to stop them, but runs into Nagare, who seems to have switched sides. Ushio leaves Nagare to Tora, and hurries to stop the subs. Nagare and Tora go all out in battle, and Asako finds out a secret about Ushio...
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29 april 2016, 22:30
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Ushio and Tora (2015)