The Bold and the Beautiful

7.9 / 10
30 min
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Seizoen 15, Aflevering 85

Ep. #3716

Brooke tells Deacon they would have to leave town if they revealed the truth because no one would forgive them. They are in tears as Deacon points out they both are losing the best thing that ever happened to either of them. Deacon doesn't want them to turn their back on the miracle they found each other. He can't give up Brooke and the baby. In frustration, he hurls a vase across the room. Brooke asks Deacon to honor their child and their love by protecting her children from scandal, and their child from being an outcast. Brooke will come up with a plan to explain her pregnancy. Deacon wonders how he'll get over her. They kiss passionately. Stephanie thinks something major is going on with Brooke and Bridget should find out what it is. Bridget accuses Stephanie, Ridge, and Eric of taking advantage of Brooke by purging the company of her influence while she's gone. Amber and Alexandra wonder if Deacon's involved with another woman. Alexandra recalls something weird happened with Deacon when Bridget was at Big Bear with her friends. She and Amber wonder if he was with another woman then – and the same one now.
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18 januari 2002, 00:00
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The Bold and the Beautiful