Austin & Ally

8.1 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 20

Horror Stories & Halloween Scares

Trish gets the lead in the school play, but ends up getting bullied online with comments telling her that she's not pretty. After saying she doesn't care, she goes into the school auditorium to cry. She is later caught by Ally crying while reading hate comments about her. Austin, Dez, and Carrie follow, hugging her for comfort while she cries. The bullying goes too far and Trish keeps on calling in sick everyday to avoid going to school. Trish later tells Ally that she is going to drop out of school. Ally tells Austin and the two make a song and Austin preforms it at Shredders. However, Trish still refuses to go to school. It is play night and Carrie and Dez figure out the bully is Margo. After Dez and Carrie put a skunk in Margo's face, Trish gets upset with them getting back at Margo. Trish informs Coach Simmons about the problem and nicely tells Margo to stop. Margo apologises revealing that she was jealous of Trish and promises to stop posting hate. The play continues and nobody makes fun of Trish anymore.
Matt Merchant(George), Megan Richie(Esmeralda)
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5 Oktober 2014, 20:30
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Austin & Ally