
7.9 / 10
22 min
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Seizoen 6, Aflevering 7

iShock America

The iCarly Crew performs sketches on their show that spoof those on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," which the host finds so impressive, that he invites them on his show for a rare live performance. Thanks to some of Gibby's usual misfortune however, the cast of both shows almost gets in trouble.
Mary Scheer(Marissa Benson), Boogie(T-Bo), Tina Fey(Tina Fey), Jimmy Fallon(Jimmy Fallon), Rachel Dratch(Rachel Dratch), Steve Higgins(Steve Higgins), Ahmir-Khalib Thompson(Questlove), Eddie Braun(Taxi Driver), Jackie Joyner(Bonnie), Brendan Ford(NCC Investigator), Paul Eliopoulos(Foreign Bike Messenger), Joey Naber(Clothes Salesman), Jeff Musial(Jeff Musial The Animal Guy)
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Uitgezonden op:
6 Oktober 2012, 00:00
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