When Calls the Heart

8.4 / 10
42 min
Drama, Western
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Seizoen 11, Aflevering 8

Brother's Keeper

Elizabeth and Nathan help Tom out of a tight situation, and the town comes together after a setback. With encouragement from family, Joseph heals and old rift. Gowen councils Lucas.
Chris McNally(Lucas Bouchard), Kevin McGarry(Nathan Grant), Gracyn Shinyei(Emily Montgomery), Loretta Walsh(Florence Blakeley), Andrea Brooks(Faith Carter), Kavan Smith(Leland Coulter), Jaeda Lily Miller(Allie), Viv Leacock(Joseph Canfield), Natasha Burnett(Minnie Canfield), Vienna Leacock(Angela Canfield), Hrothgar Mathews(Ned Yost), Johannah Newmarch(Molly Sullivan), Amanda Wong(Mei Sou), Ben Rosenbaum(Mike Hickam), Elias Leacock(Cooper Canfield), Hyland Goodrich(Little Jack Thornton), Billy Christos Jr.(Toby), Erik Gow(Edwin Mitchell), Samantha Ferris(Maisie Hickam), Max Lloyd-Jones(Tom Thornton), Doron Bell(Jacob), Georgie Daburas(Clayton Pike)
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26 Mei 2024, 20:00
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When Calls the Heart