The Bold Type

8.3 / 10
41 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 2


Kat is faced with a past regret when she crosses paths with a closeted singer who had asked for help in coming out. Jane has her first mammogram and spirals into anxiety waiting for the results – and how Ryan fits into it. Sutton and Richard’s long-distance relationship hits a snag. And the trio discovers a secret about one of their coworkers.
Stephanie Costa(Sage Aiello), Adam Capriolo(Andrew Morrison), Dan Jeannotte(Ryan Decker), Aidan Devine(RJ Safford), Gildart Jackson(Ian Carlyle), Elizabeth Ashley(Pam), Margaret Cho(Margaret Cho), Billie Jean King(Billie Jean King), Christos Darlasis(Diego), Joelle Jérémie(Technician), Ayesha Curry(Ayesha Curry), Sofia Reyes(Bella Diaz), Madeline Harvey(Bella's Lover), Wendy Warhol(Drag Queen #2)
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Uitgezonden op:
30 januari 2020, 21:00
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The Bold Type