
7.6 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 8

Fire in the Hole

It’s Kirsten’s birthday and the Stitchers team is assigned to look into a disease researcher’s suicide. When the body begins showing signs that it is carrying a deadly virus, the whole lab is placed under quarantine. The team jumps to action as they search for a way out, racing against the clock as, one-by-one, they come down with symptoms of exposure.
Damon Dayoub(Detective Quincy Fisher), Sola Bamis(Ayo), Cameron Britton(Tim), Ronobir Lahiri(Samir Ahluwalia), Oded Fehr(Leslie Turner), Anna Khaja(Getti Ahluwalia), Stacie Greenwell(Hazmat Tech), Niousha Noor(Dr. Anna Barmal), Maura M. Knowles(Dr. Goodkin), Ross Kurt Le(Alex), Kaylee Quinn(Young Kirsten), Chelsea Vincent(Chelsea)
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Uitgezonden op:
21 juli 2015, 21:00
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