Shameless (US)

8.3 / 10
52 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 4

A Beautiful Mess

Fiona deals with the consequences of sleeping with Craig when his angry wife shows up at the door; Debbie develops a stress-rash and Fiona wonders if she's putting too much responsibility on the kids; Sheila has made it all the way to the hair salon and Frank realizes his days in the Jackson household are numbered; no longer having sex with Karen, Lip tries to dig up dirt on Jody; Ian continues on the path to West Point; Carl house-sits with his friend, Little Hank; Ethel meets Malik, a boy on Kevin's youth basketball team.
Zach McGowan(Jody Silverman), Emma Greenwell(Mandy Milkovich), Noel Fisher(Mickey Milkovich), Michael Patrick McGill(Tommy), Joan Cusack(Self), Madison Davenport(Ethel), Amy Smart(Jasmine Hollander), James Wolk(Adam), Kerry O'Malley(Kate), Taylor Kinney(Craig Heisner), Dove Cameron(Holly Herkimer), Brit Morgan(Lucy Jo Heisner), Nicky Korba(Little Hank), Zayne Emory(Simon), Jernard Burks(Antoine), Dana Woods(Short Man), Jack Axelrod(Old Guy), Cal Gibson(Mr. Johnson), Jon Baggio(Leslie), Louis Fasanaro(Alcoholic), Justin Mitchell(Malik), Nicole Covington(Tanisha), Steve DeRelian(Dan)
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Uitgezonden op:
29 januari 2012, 21:00
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Shameless (US)