New Tricks

7.8 / 10
60 min
Misdaad, Comedy
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Seizoen 5, Aflevering 2

The Final Curtain

The team return to the 1992 case of actor Michael Austin, shot dead by his wife on stage during the opening night performance of Death at the Masked Ball. Already a man down when Halford goes AWOL, the case looks like claiming another member of the team as Lane embraces his newfound love of acting and the theatre.
Anthony Calf(Robert Strickland), Susan Jameson(Esther Lane), Diana Weston(Jane Morley), Gavin Millar(Theatre Director), Dexter Fletcher(Tommy Jackson), John Fortune(Mel Simons), Will Kemp(James Strickland), Claire Bloom(Helen Brownlow), Dermot Crowley(Derek Bennet), Kim Thomson(Tiffany Barker), Kate Magowan(Catherine Austin), Nick Mason(Actor)
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Uitgezonden op:
14 juli 2008, 00:00
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New Tricks