New Tricks

7.8 / 10
60 min
Misdaad, Comedy
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Seizoen 11, Aflevering 5

London Underground

Tension mounts as Ned and Sasha are forced to work together when the body of a film critic found in a sewer is thought to be linked to the 20-year-old murder of a concept artist, David Straka. As the team interview Straka's contemporaries, groupies and assistants, looking for possible connections between the deaths, they find themselves immersed in the macabre world of the occult. And Griffin's expert knowledge of the history of London and in particular the hidden Fleet River, proves invaluable.
Barnaby Kay(DAC Ned Hancock), Anthony CalfSophie Thompson(Fiona Kennedy), Nicola Stephenson(Emily Fraser), Benjamin Whitrow(Edward Fraser), Stephen Boswell(Stephen Boswell), Adele Anderson(Cecily Watkins), Jarred Christmas(Keith), Robin Berry(Fleet Sewer Guide)
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Uitgezonden op:
15 september 2014, 00:00
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New Tricks