Ghost Whisperer

7.9 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 21

The Prophet

Five accidents, and four signs, something else is going to happen. Melinda becomes concerned for the safety of the people she loves when a ghost prophet shows her visions of the future. The fellow Ghost Whisperer, who Melinda doesn't trust is still in Grandview.
Jay Mohr(Professor Rick Payne), Ignacio SerricchioThomas F. Wilson(Tim Flaherty), Tyler Patrick Jones(Ned Banks), Kathleen GatiAlex DanielsJeremy ShadaJulian SandsVivian Wu(Prophet Ghost / Dana Clark), Davide Schiavone(Stefano Donato), Mario Di Donato(Italian Man)
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Uitgezonden op:
4 Mei 2007, 00:00
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Ghost Whisperer