Ghost Whisperer

7.9 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 22

The Gathering

Melinda visits the Mayor of Grandview and asks him to cancel the memorial dedication they are holding. She speaks to the ghost of a mail person and is looking for a young girl named Kristen. Later, Melinda and Professor Payne search for missing children after their Nanny says that they left with a man named Gabriel. Meanwhile, a mysterious man tries to get Melinda to stop helping the good guys.
Jay Mohr(Professor Rick Payne), Ignacio SerricchioJune SquibbTim GuineeKyle ChavarriaGrace Fulton(Young Melinda), Jeremy ShadaJulian SandsJane WallCharles MesureMike HagertyJenny CooperDee FreemanVivian Wu(Prophet Ghost / Dana Clark), Davide Schiavone(Stefano Donato), Mark Hapka(Confused Ghost)
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Uitgezonden op:
11 Mei 2007, 00:00
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Ghost Whisperer