Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

8.5 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 286

Sasuke's Story: The Ring

A swarm of dragon-beasts suddenly appears at the Observatory, throwing everything into chaos. When Sasuke and Sakura learn that the director, Zansul, has horrifying ambitions, they split up to try to stop him. Sakura gets back to the Observatory first, but the building collapses while she’s still inside. Meanwhile, Sasuke catches sight of Zansul and his accomplices. He tries to join up with Sakura but is unable to find her. Trapped, Sakura faces a precarious dilemma. Will Sasuke and Sakura—the most powerful couple in the Village Hidden in the Leaves—be able to crush Zansul’s ambitions and safely return with the Ultra Particles to save their friend?
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5 februari 2023, 17:30
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Boruto: Naruto Next Generations