Ally McBeal

7.6 / 10
42 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 10

Making Spirits Bright

Richard throws his annual Christmas bash as Ally and Billy get drawn into a high stakes case involving a wealthy bond trader claiming wrongful termination. Renee and Matt consummate their affair but with painful consequences. Ling tries out Christmas cheer but it doesn't work. John tries to use the mistletoe to his advantage in trying to make a move on Nelle.
Portia de Rossi(Nelle Porter), Lucy Liu(Ling Woo), Lee Wilkof(District Attorney Nixon), Dyan Cannon(Jennifer 'Whipper' Cone), Richard T. Jones(Matt Griffin), Mark Linn-BakerAmy CastleLara Flynn BoyleJohn de Lancie
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Uitgezonden op:
14 december 1998, 00:00
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Ally McBeal