Geboren: 29 januari 1971, Kingsclere, Hampshire, UK
Clare Victoria Balding CBE is an English broadcast journalist and author. She currently presents for BBC Sport, Channel 4 and BT Sport and formerly presented the religious programme Good Morning Sunday on BBC Radio 2. Balding was appointed as the 30th president of the Rugby Football League, serving a two-year term until December 2022.
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Biografie Clare Balding
Leeftijd: 53
Geboren: 29 januari 1971 , Kingsclere, Hampshire, UK
Clare Victoria Balding CBE is an English broadcast journalist and author. She currently presents for BBC Sport, Channel 4 and BT Sport and formerly presented the religious programme Good Morning Sunday on BBC Radio 2. Balding was appointed as the 30th president of the Rugby Football League, serving a two-year term until December 2022.