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Kenneth Mitchell

Kenneth Mitchell

Leeftijd: 49
Geboren: 25 november 1974, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Overleden: 24 februari 2024
Kenneth Mitchell (November 25, 1974 – February 24, 2024) was a Canadian actor, best known for playing several Klingon characters in Star Trek: Discovery. He also had a role on the television series Jericho, starred in the 2004 sports biopic Miracle, and played Captain Marvel’s father in the 2019 film. Mitchell was married to actress Susan May Pratt and had two children. Mitchell died at the age of 49 from complications with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
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Kenneth Mitchell

Biografie Kenneth Mitchell

Leeftijd: 49
Geboren: 25 november 1974 , Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Overleden: 24 februari 2024
Kenneth Mitchell (November 25, 1974 – February 24, 2024) was a Canadian actor, best known for playing several Klingon characters in Star Trek: Discovery. He also had a role on the television series Jericho, starred in the 2004 sports biopic Miracle, and played Captain Marvel’s father in the 2019 film.

Mitchell was married to actress Susan May Pratt and had two children.

Mitchell died at the age of 49 from complications with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

