3rd Rock from the Sun

7.5 / 10
25 min
Sciencefiction, Comedy
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Seizoen 6, Aflevering 7


The Solomons' say goodbye to Tommy as he goes to college, but Dick soon begins to miss him and attempts to convince him to come home. Tommy, however, is enjoying college life and doesn't want to, so Dick convinces him to pull an elaborate freshman prank to gain himself popularity, but really in the hope that Tommy will be expelled. Meanwhile, Sally and Harry are interviewing candidates for Tommy's replacement and although their best candidate appears to be a woman called Christie, when a handsome man named Bryce walks through the door, Sally hires him on the spot.
John Aylward(Registrar), Matt Battaglia(Bryce Canyon), Andrea Hutchman(Christie), Jilana Stewart(Cindy)
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Uitgezonden op:
12 december 2000, 00:00
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3rd Rock from the Sun