Warehouse 13

7.8 / 10
44 min
Mysterie, Sciencefiction
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 11

The Living and the Dead

With the fate of the world in their hands, Pete and Myka's only hope of finding a cure to the Sweating Sickness is a drunken history professor. Meanwhile, Steven and Claudia enter Artie's subconscious in an attempt to bring him out of his coma before he fades away for good.
CCH Pounder(Irene Frederic), Roger Rees(James MacPherson), Lindsay Wagner(Vanessa Calder), Kate Mulgrew(Jane Lattimer), Thomas Roberts(Thomas Roberts), Katherine Trowell(Sutton's Assistant), Polly Walker(Charlotte Dupres), James Marsters(Sutton), Ali Adatia(Helicopter Pilot)
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Uitgezonden op:
29 april 2013, 21:00
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Warehouse 13