Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

7.2 / 10
50 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 17


Poor Captain Crane. The things he had to go through. This time, he's in the Flying Sub, when he receives a distress call from the Seaview. He comes back to his sub, only to find it abandoned -- again. But wait, there's a force-field on the spiral stairs which knocks Crane out, and there's a stranger aboard who naturally shoots at him. Eventually Crane sees the crew, and he hears the voice of Nelson calling him a traitor. It takes about an hour, and a bullet in the shoulder (fired by guess who?), before Crane discovers aliens are testing the human race.
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Uitgezonden op:
28 januari 1968, 00:00
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Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea