Third Watch

8.3 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 5, Aflevering 10

The Spirit

Bosco arrests a pedophile posing as a toy store Santa, and the grateful store owner returns the favor by helping Bosco and Sasha come to the aid of a man whose house is robbed of all his children's Christmas presents; after Sully and Ty save a young homeless girl from a fire, she rekindles Sully's Christmas spirit; Carlos receives the ultimate Christmas present when his brother arrives at the firehouse bearing the gift of being a perfect bone marrow match for Kylie, as well as the news of Carlos's real name and family history; Kim and Jimmy spend a romantic Christmas Eve together; Sasha's search for the perfect gift for her nephew gives Swersky the opportunity to play Santa.
Bill WalshJoe LisiLisa VidalAdam Beach
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Uitgezonden op:
12 december 2003, 00:00
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Third Watch