The Twilight Zone

7.4 / 10
30 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 17

Passage on the Lady Anne

Instead of the cruise bringing them closer together, the Ransome's agree to get a divorce when they return home. Eileen disappears, and when Allan finds her she is wearing a nightgown that a passenger wore on her honeymoon. Seeing her, Allan realizes how much he still loves her. The passengers force them into a lifeboat, with plenty of provisions, and set them adrift. The Lady Anne sails off.
Joyce Van PattenWilfrid Hyde-WhiteAlan NapierCecil Kellaway(Jeremy Wickwire), Gladys CooperCyril DelevantiDon KeeferLee PhilipsJack Raine(Officer)
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Uitgezonden op:
9 Mei 1963, 21:30
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The Twilight Zone