The Middle

8,0 / 10
21 min
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Seizoen 8, Aflevering 10

Escape Orson

The Hecks find themselves spending New Year's Day attempting to stave off a zombie apocalypse in the Orson Escape Room, desperately trying to beat the Donahue's record of getting out with more than one minute, eight seconds to spare. Meanwhile, Brick is convinced that the mild-mannered man assigned to the family's Escape Room group is really the famous author of the "Planet Nowhere" books; Sue divulges a secret about herself to Axl that's she's been keeping since childhood; and Mike is stunned when Frankie reveals that she had a romantic dream involving Frank Sinatra.
Beau Wirick(Sean Donahue), Sean O'Bryan(Ron Donahue), Jen Ray(Nancy Donahue), Laura Ann Kesling(Dotty Donahue), Kayla Madison(Shelly Donahue), Jelena Nik(Rowdy), Barry Livingston(Milt)
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Uitgezonden op:
3 januari 2017, 20:00
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The Middle