The Challenge

8.4 / 10
60 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 14

Couple Fashion Show

Note: Some consider this episode the ""Lost Mission"" episode. It only aired the first time and has never aired in reruns or in any Extreme Challenge marathons. The teams receive another clue to be at the world-famous Kit Kat Club in Berlin. They arrive to find Gloria Viagra, a tall blue wigged tranvestite who will be their mission mayor. She tells them that each team must pair up in three teams and do a Famous Couples Fashion show. There's a catch through, they won't be just wearing what their famous couple wore, they must transform their characters into a fetish theme. Julie being the downhome Mormon that she is freaks out. She knows her parents especially her Dad will be watching the challenge and she is afraid of what they'll think. James tries to comfort her the best he can aswell as Syrus letting her know she can just do it and never have to worry about doing it again.
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Uitgezonden op:
24 april 2001, 23:00
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The Challenge