The Irregular at Magic High School

8.4 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 9

Ancient City Insurrection (1)

The Nine Schools Competition has ended, and it is now the second semester. Ayako and Fumiya visit Tatsuya to deliver a letter they were entrusted directly from Maya. The letter was a request asking for Tatsuya's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou. The Kurobas were also pursuing him but lost sight of him in the Kyoto area. It seems Gongjin Zhou has been receiving help from the Traditionalists, a faction of Ancient Magicians, in his escape. The Traditionalists and the Kudou Family have been in conflict with each other for many years. So, Tatsuya decides to reach out to Fujibayashi, Retsu Kudou's granddaughter, to ask for Retsu's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou.
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31 Mei 2024, 00:30
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The Irregular at Magic High School