The Expanse

7.7 / 10
44 min
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The Expanse Aftershow S5E10 "Nemesis Games" – Wes Chatham, Ty Franck, Dominique Tipper & Steven Strait

Ty Franck and Wes Chatham reunite the Roci crew to talk about the season finale S5E10 "Nemesis Games"! For the last episode of The Expanse Aftershow, Dominique Tipper (Naomi Nagata) and Steven Strait (Jim Holden) join Ty & That Guy to walk through the Season 5 finale and “one of the most powerful visual sequences in all of The Expanse.".
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5 februari 2021, 00:00
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15 jan 2022 10:24 -
The Expanse