Once Upon a Time

8.2 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 17

Best Laid Plans

Hook tells Emma that her fate is at stake in Gold’s plan while Regina leads the villains on a wild goose chase. Henry makes a breakthrough in his search to find the Author, but Mary Margaret and David need a moment to reconsider the best course of action. In a Fairy Tale Land flashback, Snow and Charming search for a way to ensure their child will grow-up to be a hero. When a traveling peddler directs them to visit a kindly old hermit, Snow and Charming are presented with a choice that could secure their child’s goodness, but at a price that will haunt them for years to come.
Eion Bailey(August W. Booth / Pinocchio), Victoria Smurfit(Cruella De Vil), Merrin Dungey(Ursula), Kristin Bauer van Straten(Maleficent), Keegan Connor Tracy(Mother Superior / Blue Fairy), Gabe Khouth(Tom Clark / Sneezy), Abby Ross(Young Emma), Timothy Webber(The Apprentice), Barclay Hope(James Page), Michelle Choi-Lee(Adoption Agent), Patrick Fischler(Isaac Heller)
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Uitgezonden op:
29 Maart 2015, 20:00
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Once Upon a Time