Noah's Island

7.9 / 10
25 min
Animatie, Kinder
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 11

Woomera Runs Away

It is a normal day on Noah's Island until the silence is broken by the discovery of some dolphins on the beach. The animals assist Woomera, who gets a personal attachment to the situation, in enticing the dolphins back to the sea; alas the next day the dolphins have been washed up on the beach once again. By this time the entire island's population has fallen ill with the 'meese': a contagious virus similar to measles. So with the majority of the animals quarantined in the infirmery Woomera has no choice but to save the dolphins herself. All night she tries but her efforts are in vein, for at dawn she confides in Noah that 'they're all dead.' With a great sense of personal loss Woomera decides to leave the island and asks Noah to steer the island as near to South America as possible so she can swim ashore. When Rocco gets wind of Woomera's plan he races to the beach to stop her. But he is unfortunate enough to be in the firing line of a coconut, accidentally rolled off a cliff above by Sacha and his little cockroach friend. Knocked unconscious by this heavy fruit, Woomera turns to see Rocco face down in the surf. In an attempt to turn back to assist, from some offshore rocks she slips into the ocean and is taken ashore by yet another dolphin. She pulls Rocco from the water and realises her place is on Noah's Island.
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Uitgezonden op:
13 Oktober 1997, 00:00
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Noah's Island