Melrose Place

7.4 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 8

Love Reeks

Jake provides Sydney with refuge after learning of the attack. Amanda reveals that Jane and Chris have gone to Las Vegas, and Sydney realizes that Chris is planning to make good on his promise to marry Jane. Michael fears that Chris is after Jane's money. He follows them to Las Vegas, with Kimberly in pursuit. Chris wins big in the casino and proposes to Jane. Michael and Kimberly break up the wedding, then tie the knot themselves. Michael is fired for skipping work. Jo is hospitalized with an ulcer, and Kimberly provides comfort. Jake beats up Chris and sleeps with Sydney. Peter continues to pursue Amanda. Alison learns about Billy's involvement with Susan.
Jack Wagner(Peter Burns), Marcia Cross(Kimberly Shaw), Cheryl Pollak(Susan Madsen), David Bickford(Hotel Clerk), Howard S. Miller(Mareus), Tay LeBaron(Messenger), Raul Staggs(Minister), Andrew Williams(Chris Marchette)
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Uitgezonden op:
31 Oktober 1994, 00:00
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Melrose Place