Life in Pieces

7.3 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 9

Reading Egg Nurse Neighbor

When Sophia asks Matt and Colleen about having children, an animated sequence featuring the whole family as farm animals reveals that they have been struggling to have a baby. Also, Jen and Greg's new neighbors aren't as nice as they initially seem; Heather interferes with Tim's hiring process at the office; and the whole family surprises Joan at her book reading, to her chagrin.
Abbey DiGregorio(Dianna Jazzelroy), Nick Thune(Finn Jazzelroy), Lauren Lapkus(Cindy), Mindy Sterling(Desiree), Bunny Gibson(Nancy), Jess Harnell(Dr. Hoot-Stein), Mary-Margaret Lewis(Elderly Woman), André B. Walker(Mike)
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Uitgezonden op:
4 januari 2018, 21:30
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Life in Pieces