Law & Order: Criminal Intent

8.1 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 1


The murder of a mortician and the discovery of corpses at a crematorium lead the detectives to a family man claiming to have a consulting business but suspected of being a contract killer with a penchant for perfection. Goren attempts to prove this by setting up a scheme that puts his "fear of making a mistake" in jeopardy.
Jay O. Sanders(Joseph Hannah), Leslie Hendrix(Elizabeth Rodgers), Jim GaffiganArmando RiescoNaelee RaeJames StovallBob Ader(Lawrence Auerbach), Tina Benko(Susan Rowan), L.J. Bologna(Harry Rowan, Jr.), Emilio Del Pozo(Mr. Rivera), Patrick Garner(Doug Hagman), Philip Goodwin(Fritz Vaughn), David Lenthall(Damon Tyler), Leslie Lyles(Mrs. Hagman), Louis Butelli(CSU Technician), Magaly Colimon(Ella), Peter Van Wagner(Anti-Desecration Fanatic)
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29 september 2002, 21:00
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent