Late Night with David Letterman

7.8 / 10
60 min
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Seizoen 5, Aflevering 82

Show #0661

Dave does a mini-rant on the all-nude, NYC cable access show, ""Interludes After Midnight;"" ""People Who Won't Be On The Show"" goes awry because it's ""dog night"" in the control room; Dave crashes the set of ""Live At Five,"" and Marv Albert's interview with Wayne Gretzky (anchors Jack Cafferty and Sue Simmons and weatherman Al Roker are briefly seen); Connie Chung disappoints the audience by refusing to do impersonations; another look at the Mayfair House hotel in Coconut Grove, Fl.; Wayne Gretzky brings his Pro Stars breakfast cereal.
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Uitgezonden op:
5 februari 1986, 00:00
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Late Night with David Letterman