Knots Landing

8.4 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 8

Man in the Middle

Abby and Gary move into a beach house. Abby wants Ciji to sing at Daniel. Richard says no, so Abby threatens him. Val tells Karen that Chip makes her uneasy. Chip tells Ciji that he's dating Diana as a way to make contacts and help Ciji's career, but that she means nothing to him. Diana's upset that Chip won't take her to Ciji's opening and takes her anger out on Mack. Chip and Ciji begin an affair and Ciji is a big hit at her opening at Daniel.
Steve ShawDaniel Zacapa
Nog onbekend
Nog onbekend
Uitgezonden op:
18 november 1982, 00:00
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Knots Landing