Home and Away

8.6 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 0, Aflevering 3

Hearts Divided

One year on from the release of Secrets and the City, Home and Away released another exclusive-to-video episode in Australia on 29th October 2003. This time around, the release was also available on DVD. It was presented by Rebecca Cartwright. Once again, the content featured two TV episodes followed by the exclusive episode. This time, the storyline focussed on the on-going Dani/Kane saga. Dani accidentally runs Kane down in her car, and mistakenly presumes he was a kangaroo. When it's discovered it was actually Kane she hit, she's suspected of attempted murder. The exclusive-to-video episode features Kirsty's journey to the city to be with Kane, after which he proposes to her.
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29 Oktober 2003, 00:00
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Home and Away