Hercules: The Legendary Journeys

7.3 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 5, Aflevering 18

Love on the Rocks

Nautica, a mermaid, wanted to see the world. But her father, Triton, had arranged a marriage for her. Nautica found a way out when Discord gave her legs. When she met Iolaus 2, they both fell immediately in love. Unfortunately, if Nautica did not return to the sea by sunset, the waters of Greece would turn to ice. When Brutus took her hostage, Iolaus found the strength in his love and handily defeated Nautica's captor. The lovers returned to the beach and after one last kiss, the mermaid swam out to sea.
Jim McLarty(Myles), Bruce Hopkins(Pylon), Kelly Greene(Epius), Alexandra Tydings(Aphrodite), Meighan Desmond(Discord), Hori Ahipene(Brutus), Angela Marie Dotchin(Nautica)
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Uitgezonden op:
24 april 1999, 00:00
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Hercules: The Legendary Journeys