General Hospital

8.3 / 10
42 min
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Seizoen 38, Aflevering 222

11.14.01 - Wednesday

Preview:Scott gives Laura a sapphire engagement ring. Recap:Laura was stunned by Scott's proposal and his profession of deep and abiding love for her. She told him that she loved him as well, but admitted to still having feelings for Luke. Scott asked if she could ever get over those feelings and commit to him and Laura said that she needed time. After kissing her passionately, Scott declared that he would wait for her. Alone, Laura studied the ring and pondered her next course of action. Luke was thrilled to see Felicia and outlined his plans for an exciting future. Felicia thought it all sounded lovely, but she realized that his future didn't include her. They thanked each other for a memorable time and said a final goodbye. Felicia cried as she walked away and Luke contemplated his divorce papers from Laura. Mike wasn't pleased to see Janine after so many years and neither was she happy to see him. She told him that her daughter Courtney was fine even though he hadn't bothered to as
Hope Levy
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Uitgezonden op:
14 november 2001, 00:00
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General Hospital