General Hospital

8.3 / 10
42 min
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Seizoen 38, Aflevering 184

09.20.01 - Thursday

Preview: Stefan was arrested for Chloe's murder. Recap: A frazzled Alexis went to see Sonny and asked him if he would give protection to Kristina, but she didn't reveal Kristina's identity or why she was in danger. Sonny told Alexis that she was his friend, and he would naturally do whatever he could to help her. He thought the best thing to do was to put Kristina in a safe house. Alexis thanked him and went to get Kristina from the hotel. She was stunned when Jax told her that he had already had Kristina moved. Alexis promised Jax that she wouldn't tell Stefan where Kristina was, and he finally told her that she was at the lake house with the woman she had hired to find her family. Alexis rushed to the lake house and was shocked when Angel opened the door. Carly feigned friendship with Angel in order to gain Kristina's confidence and to get her to open up. She pretended that she knew about Angel and Jax's relationship, and she got Kristina to reveal that Angel and Jax indeed had an af
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20 september 2001, 00:00
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General Hospital