General Hospital

8.3 / 10
42 min
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Seizoen 36, Aflevering 129

07.01.99 - Thursday

Luke and Felicia brainstorm to come up with a new cover story for their next visit to oyster Bay. Opting for the simple truth, Felicia tells longtime resident Ida Walsh she's conducting research for a book about Lila. Ned and Alexis ponder Chloe's dilemma and debate the possibility of Jasper Jax filling the bill. A.J. is irked to find Jason rubbing sunscreen on a half-naked Carly as she lounges by the water. After accusing his brother of violating the custody agreement, A.J. tears into Jason while Carly hustles Michael away. Bobbie takes some tentative steps towards burying the hatchet with Tony. Ida explains to Luke and Felicia why George Quartermaine objected to Edward and Lila's betrothal.
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1 juli 1999, 00:00
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General Hospital