Everybody Loves Raymond

7.7 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 11

Captain Nemo

When Ray's "free" time goes to coaching his basketball team in preparation for the Pizza League championships, he is reminded by Debra that their kids are growing up fast and he's missing precious time with them. When Robert is forced out as captain of Nemo's basketball team, Ray gets the title and the opportunity to lead his team to victory. Meanwhile, Frank and Marie are upset with Ray for de-throning Robert as captain, and feeling guilty Ray begs Robert to re-join the team.
Joseph V. Perry(Stan), Kevin James(Doug Heffernan), Dave AttellTom Paris(Tom), Andy Kindler(Andy)
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Uitgezonden op:
13 december 1996, 20:30
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Everybody Loves Raymond