Diners, Drive-ins and Dives

25 min
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Seizoen 17, Aflevering 9

From Pound Cake to Pot Pie

The Duce (Phoeniz, Ariz.) • Haggo's Organic Taco (Leucadia, Calif.) • Geechee Girl Rice Café (Mount Airy, Penn.) This trip Guy's pullin' in for a mishmash of comfort food. In Phoenix, there's the boxing gym // restaurant servin' up mac-and-cheese muffins and chicken pot pie in glass mugs. In Leucadia, CA it's a funky joint puttin' together organic fish tacos inspired by none other than Jacques Cousteau. And in the Mount Airy neighborhood near Philadelphia, Guy hits a spot dishin' out African-inspired Low Country cuisine including unique North African chicken and sour cream pound cake.
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1 juli 2013, 00:00
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Diners, Drive-ins and Dives