Detective Conan

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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 772

Shinichi Kudō Aquarium Case (1)

Ran, Conan, and Detective Boys are visiting the Beika Aquarium. While Ran is looking at the shark, she starts thinking about an old story, back when Ran and Shinichi visited the Beika Aquarium. Ran questions if Shinichi liked her at that time already as much as he does now. Conan also starts remembering the day back when Ran and him, as Shinichi, visited the place... Shinichi was waiting for Ran inside Beika Aquarium. Ran was late. She tells him that she planned to invite her mother and father to visit the Aquarium for a romantic situation. Shinichi tells Ran not to run but Ran asked why. Shinichi didn't answer her. While Shinichi and Ran were talking, he spots the dead body of Kunihiro Shumoto.
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Uitgezonden op:
21 Maart 2015, 18:00
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Detective Conan