Courage the Cowardly Dog

7.7 / 10
30 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 10

Mission To The Sun

Courage is ordered to go to the sun and fix the lightbulb on it. Everything is ok until Muriel's brain gets taken over by an alien! It makes Muriel mean and trys to throw Courage out of the spaceship. Meanwhile Eustace's hat gets stuck in the toliet and gets pumped out into space! Eustace chases after it. Muriel then destroys wires in the spaceship and the ship goes out of control and dives into the sun! Luckily there ok. Courage fixes the lightbulb and Muriel's alien leaves. To get back home, they see Eustace riding on a asteroid holding his hat! They hitch a ride and get home. But the Alien says he'll be back,(as the episode ends the alien enters Eustace's brain...
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Uitgezonden op:
16 februari 2001, 04:00
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Courage the Cowardly Dog