
7.6 / 10
45 min
Fantasy, Comedy
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Seizoen 8, Aflevering 24

A Good Turn Never Goes Unpunished

Darrin needs help on an advertising campaign and Samantha offers her help using her own mind. Darrin thinks that she used witchcraft for the ideas she gave him and decides not to use her ideas. Darrin comes up with some ideas of his own and are rejected by the client Mr. Benson. He thinks witchcraft was used in the decision, too. Call it deja vu when Darrin shows Benson Sam's ideas ande Benson rejects them as well. Darrin feels like a total jackass and apologizes to Samantha, coming up with a stellar slogan for Benson.
J. Edward McKinleyErin Murphy(Tabitha Stephens)
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Uitgezonden op:
11 Maart 1972, 00:00
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