As the World Turns

8.4 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 50, Aflevering 196

Ep. #12677

Gwen is devastated when Dr. Schiller tells her that due to complications from her fall in New York, she may never have children. Will and Gwen are then faced with an angry Barbara, who offers to reinstate Will's trust fund if he dumps Gwen. Casey grabs Maddie and pulls her in for a kiss. Maddie later talks to Henry about moving out of the Hughes home. Carly is upset with both herself and Nick when Hal is only able to offer Jack part-time work, and gets into it with Nick at the police station. Meg is all set to walk out on Paul when he collapses on her, and she reluctantly agrees to help him, but warns him that he will pay the price. Susan pleads Emily's case with Hal. Source:
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Uitgezonden op:
10 januari 2006, 14:00
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As the World Turns