American Pickers

7.7 / 10
45 min
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Seizoen 2012, Aflevering 4

Frank's Dog Days

Since opening his second store, Mike's feeling serious pressure to fill up the van. He gets lucky while freestyling in Virginia with Danielle. A cold call with Gary pays off with a pink jukebox and the remains of a rare 1930s motorbike. While he proves to be a tough negotiator, Doug's well-manicured property is a honey hole of petroliana. Henry's trailer homes are packed to the gills with unusual collectibles and he's ready to make a deal. Danielle proves she's got a picker's eye. But back at the shop, Frank has a tough time tracking down an appraiser for the jukebox.
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23 januari 2012, 20:00
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American Pickers