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William Roache

William Roache

Leeftijd: 92
Geboren: 24 april 1932, Basford, Nottinghamshire, England, UK
William Roache is a British actor listed in the Guinness World Records as the longest-serving male television star in a continuous role. Roache has played Ken Barlow in the ITV soap Coronation Street since its very first episode in 1960.
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William Roache

Biografie William Roache

Leeftijd: 92
Geboren: 24 april 1932 , Basford, Nottinghamshire, England, UK
William Roache is a British actor listed in the Guinness World Records as the longest-serving male television star in a continuous role. Roache has played Ken Barlow in the ITV soap Coronation Street since its very first episode in 1960.

