Wedding Band

7.3 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 10

End of the World As We Know It

After a falling-out with Rutherford, the guys are recruited by Roxie’s rival event planner – and former assistant – Emily Corgy to play an "End of the World" party. The guys don’t feel good about the career move after learning Tommy and Emily have started dating. Worlds collide when they learn the event they’re scheduled to play has been double-booked with another "End of the World" party thrown by Rutherford. Even worse, it’s headlined by Mother of the Bride’s rival – the Def Leppard tribute band Armageddon It. It’s a recipe for disaster.
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Uitgezonden op:
19 januari 2013, 22:00
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Wedding Band