Vinland Saga

8.4 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 24

End of the Prologue

Askeladd comes forth before King Sweyn and implores him to halt his invasion of Wales. Meanwhile, Thorfinn decides to return home at Leif’s urging. However, the moment before he boards the ship, Thorfinn catches a glimpse of a single tern taking off into the sky...
Atsushi Ono(Floki (voice)), Yōji Ueda(Leif Ericson (voice)), Takayuki Sugo(Sweyn (voice)), Shinya Takahashi(Villager (voice)), Taito Ban(Thegn (voice)), Hiroki Matsukawa(Dead Man (voice)), Yoshiaki Hasegawa(Clan Leader (voice)), Tsuguo Mogami(Merchant (voice)), Takayuki Nakatsukasa(Mols (voice)), Yusuke Ohta(Guard (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
30 december 2019, 00:15
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Vinland Saga