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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 21

Computer Affair

After a pilot is killed when Moonbase operatives fail to give him course change information, the personnel are recalled to Earth for an investigation. A UFO crashes in northern Canada and the personnel are assigned to the operation to find the UFO. Gay Ellis is to coordinate the movement of the mobiles trying to approach the UFO.
Shane Rimmer(Lt. Bill Johnson), Harry Baird(Lt. Mark Bradley), Georgina Moon(Skydiver Operative Lt. Sylvia Howell), Peter Gordeno(Capt. Carlin), Michael Mundell(Ken Matthews), Gary Myers(Capt. Lew Waterman), Jeremy Wilkin(Skydiver Navigator Lt. Gordon Maxwell), George Sewell(Col. Alec Freeman), Gabrielle Drake(Lt. Gay Ellis), Keith Alexander(Lt. Keith Ford), Maxwell Shaw(Dr. Shroeder), Peter Burton(Perry), Nigel Lambert(Moonbase Operative), Hugh Armstrong(SHADO Mobile 3 Officer), Hein Viljoen(SHADO Mobile 1 Personnel), Dennis Plenty(SHADO Mobile 1 Personnel)
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Uitgezonden op:
15 Mei 1971, 00:00
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