Top Gear

8.2 / 10
60 min
Special Interest
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 9

Best Convertible

REVIEWS: Fiat Barchetta • Mercedes-Benz SL600 • Mazda MX-5 • Toyota MR2 • Jaguar X-Type Estate CHALLENGE: May and Hammond search for the best convertible for a town with the least owned • Can you parachute into a moving car? James finds out if it is possible to parachute into a moving car. Jeremy drives the new Jaguar X Type estate and on the Isle of Lewis and Harris - the place in the U.K. with the lowest number of cabriolet owners per-head - Richard and James test a range of cabriolets: the Mini Cabrio, Vauxhall Tigra, Mercedes SLK and the Audi S4. Some "simple, softop sports cars" are also driven by Richard: the Mercedes SL600, Mazda MX5 and the Fiat Barchetta.
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Uitgezonden op:
25 juli 2004, 20:00
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