The Ricky Gervais Show

8.1 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 2

Knob at Night

Stephen shares a news story about 42 midget warriors who were mutilated by a single lion in a Cambodian ring fight, as well as the latest email from a fan, Paul "The Party Animal" Parker, who describes a Serbian man who invented a sex machine for women. Karl ponders how to avoid being conned into donating to charities. That conversation segues into a discussion of sex and butt plugs. A dialogue about America's first nudist organization leads Ricky to critique naked gym jocks, inspiring a revelation from Karl. The guys debate if there is ever a good time to eat the penis of a kangaroo? In Monkey News: A pair of chimps are shot to death after viciously attacking a male visitor to an animal sanctuary, targeting his nose, limbs and genitals.
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Uitgezonden op:
26 februari 2010, 00:00
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The Ricky Gervais Show